We employ highly trained professionals, Zoologists, and Wildlife Specialists who receive training on a continual basis. We stay on top of everything when it comes to providing the best service. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to our customers and the most humane service to wildlife.

Our company is insured & licensed by the Department of Agriculture. We are members of various associations committed to making sure you receive the most professional service and the best results at an affordable price.


Animal Proofing

Animal proofing your home I the best way to keep your home safe from wildlife intrusion. It can be hard to know where and how the animals are finding their way into your home. Mice can wiggle in through a hole the size of a dime! If finding every entry point in your home and figuring out how to block off those points seems overwhelming, we can help! Our teams are experts in keeping wildlife out of your home and in the wilderness where they belong.

What are common wildlife entry points?

Common places for wildlife to enter your home includes around doors and windows, holes in your siding, and unscreened vents. Animals like rodents, raccoons, squirrels, bats, and more love to find their way into your safe and cozy home.

Chimneys are another common entry for wildlife. Common animals to get into your home through your chimney are raccoons and birds. If there is no chimney cap, they will be attracted to the warmth of your home and crawl right in. Animals love to have their babies in your chimney and will even remove chimney caps if they are damaged or not properly secured.

How to seal your home from wildlife

Doors and windows: The best way to seal around your doors and windows is to caulk the area. Pay attention to even the tiniest gaps, as wildlife is clever at finding their way in.

Siding: You can also caulk and seal holes in your siding. This is an easy entry point for wildlife. Squirrels will crawl up your downspouts and use the holes in your siding as the perfect doorway.

Vents: Any unscreened vents or vents with a damaged screen are asking for wildlife to live inside. Dryer vents, foundation vents, and attic vents all need to be properly screened. The screening should be strong enough to keep rodents from chewing through it.

How can Wildlife Management help me screen my home from wildlife?

The team knows where common wildlife entry points are and the best way to seal them. We have a trained and experienced eye to see the entry points you may be missing. Taking the time to seal your home from wildlife will save you a headache of an invasion later!

The Wildlife Inspection Report is an exclusive inspection report that details any potential or current wildlife activity at your home or business.

We provide a Wildlife Inspection Report® to ensure your property is safe and free of wildlife and pests. During this inspection, we’ll check chimneys, vents, roof, insulation, attic, gutters, eaves, siding, brick, weep holes, foundation vents, weatherstripping, dryer vents, conducive conditions, ridge vents, construction gaps, and more!

How to Know you Have Wildlife in your Home

If you think you may have wildlife living in your home, there are some signs you can look out for.

Wildlife Sounds

You may know you have wildlife in your home by some sounds you may hear. Some common ones include scurrying, scratching, and squeaking, which are indicators of rodents in your home.

Thumps and bumps may mean you have a larger animal such as a squirrel or raccoon living in your attic or crawlspace. Raccoons are nocturnal, so their sounds will be made in the evening hours. Squirrels are active during the daytime, so you can expect to hear them busy during the day.

Animal Droppings

Another sign that you have wildlife in your home is if you find animal droppings around.

Droppings from mice and rats are tubular and dark brown in color and are roughly 1cm in length. You will often find a pile of them together.

Squirrels often defecate in irregular patterns and colors because of their diverse diet.

You may know you have raccoons or bats because they defecate in the same place over and over making a pile of droppings in your attic or crawlspace.

Other signs

Other signs of rodents in your home include oil marks smeared on your walls and clumps of fur stuck to different surfaces.

Our Team is committed to the safe removal of wildlife from our clients’ properties; we are also dedicated to ensuring that the nuisance wildlife does not return. Because a lot of wildlife removal services don’t seal up any entry points, these animals will continue to gain entry to their property. It is vitally important that professionals promise to remove the wildlife seal up any entry points to prevent further access for wildlife in the future.

Our team begins every job with a thorough inspection of the client’s property. While conducting the inspection, we will determine exactly what animal(s) have entered your home, the entry points where they have gained access as well as identify any openings such as vents, etc. that exclusion products can seal up to prevent future entry. We will then sit down with them and go over our findings and recommendations in order to accomplish the removal of the wildlife and ensure their house is safe from future infestations.

What Problems do Animals Cause in your Home?

We all know that animals can damage your home, but how much damage can they make? It may be more than you think.

Soiled Insulation

When animals get into your attic, crawlspace, or walls, they will often get into your insulation. Insulation provides a warm place for rodents to have their nests, and other animals like raccoons and squirrels will rip it apart. If animals crawl through your insulation, they will urinate and defecate which soils the insulation. This causes a couple of big issues for your home.

The first issue is that the insulation is no longer effective in protecting your home from temperature changes if it is damaged. Insulation keeps warm air in when it’s cold outside and keeps cool air in when it’s hot out. If your insulation isn’t working correctly, your home isn’t operating efficiently, which costs you a lot of money over the year.

Another issue that comes from soiled insulation is the health hazard it causes. Animal feces and urine carry diseases, and when that’s sitting in your home, it is not good for your health. If you suspect you have wildlife in your home, call the team at Wildlife X Team® as soon as possible.

Damaged Pipes and Electrical Wires

Rodents have teeth that do not stop growing. To keep themselves comfortable, they will chew on anything that they can find, including the pipes and wires in your home. Raccoons, squirrels, and other animals will also chew the wires in your home. This can cause costly damage, so it’s important to eradicate any wildlife before they find your water pipes or electrical wires.

Damaged Belongings

It’s no secret that rodents get into your food, but what else will they damage? Wildlife can get into your clothing, toiletries, bedding, and other personal belongings. They can ruin costly and sentimental items. The team will help you eradicate the rodents in your home before they ruin your favorite items.

How Do I Get Rid of Wildlife in my Home?

The team uses diverse exclusion methods to eliminate the wildlife problem in your home. We will evaluate each case individually and develop a wildlife management plan tailored to the issue you’re struggling with in your home.

Every building is unique and because problems do vary, Wildlife Management will perform the most comprehensive inspection available. We do this by covering the interior and exterior of the structure using our exclusive Wildlife Inspection Report® which includes over 25+ areas that will be checked. We will then provide a written estimate suggesting any necessary habitat modifications, necessary animal exclusions, and damage repair work that should be performed to prevent future incidents.

Wildlife Diseases

Potential wildlife diseases are an important consideration when dealing with wildlife on your property. These diseases can have a huge effect on your health, as well as the health of your family members, pets, customers, or any other individuals who come in contact with your home or building. Additionally, many emerging infectious diseases among humans first stem from animal hosts. Because of this, it’s important that you manage potential wildlife diseases to protect your property.